Counseling and Healing

Unfortunately, because we live in a fallen world we are all in need of healing! I am a firm believer that everyone needs Jesus and a Counselor! The following resources are some that I have found helpful on this journey. Praying that you are able to bring it all to God, who is our Healer. Be patient with yourself and cling to hope.
Things will get better!
- Be Healed by Bob Schuchts
- Broken and Blessed by Fr. Josh Johnson
- Interior freedom by Fr. Jacques Phlippe (Personal Favorite!)
- Loved as I am by Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT
- Making sense out of suffering by Peter Kreeft
- My peace I give you- Healing sexual wounds with the help of the Saints by Dawn Eden
- No Unikely Saints- A Mental Health Pilgrimage with Sacred Company by Brick House in the City
- The Mindful Catholic- Finding God one moment at a time by Dr. Gregory Bottaro
- The Road less traveled by M. Scott Peck
- The Soul of Shame- Retelling the stories we believe about ourselves by Curt Thompson, MD
- Hope: An Invitation by Sr. Josephine Garrett. CSFN
- Litanies of the Heart: Relieving Post-traumatic stress and calming anxiety by Gerry Crete, PH.D.
- Ave Maria Press- Offers resources and video series on depression, anxiety, suicide prevention,
trauma, addiction and more Website Resource Page
- Catholic Psychology- psychology based on the full truth of the human person Website
- Catholic Therapists Directory- Find a Catholic therapist near you Website
- Catholic Mental Health- Offers continual help and excellent resources Website
- Call 988- Suicide Prevention Hotline- Website
- Women made new- Helps find healing and hope for abuse survivors- Website
An Exercise in Noticing/ Weekly Check ins- This document is a great tool to use to have more intentional conversations with those closest to you.It includes a weekly check in (by Mari Pablo). It is also available in Spanish
"The God of all grace who called you to his eternal glory through Christ
will himself restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you"
1 Peter 5:10